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5 Reasons Why Patients Cancel Appointments

Canceling appointments is a common phenomenon, but what are the driving factors behind it? Here are five common reasons why patients cancel their appointments: 

1. Unexpected Obligations: Life is unpredictable, and sometimes unexpected obligations arise that take priority over our scheduled appointments. These could be family-related emergencies, work obligations that suddenly arise, or even personal health issues that require urgent attention. 

2. Lack of Time: Sometimes patients realize at the last minute that they simply don't have the time to attend an appointment. Cancelling then seems like the only option to avoid adding more stress to their already hectic day. 

3. Financial Considerations: In some cases, financial concerns may play a role in appointment cancellations. People may withdraw from appointments to save money. 

4. Fear of the Dentist or Doctor: For some people, the thought of visiting the dentist or doctor can cause intense anxiety. Whether it's a dental procedure or a medical examination, fear of pain or negative results can lead to avoiding the appointment by canceling it. 

5. Forgetfulness: Sometimes it's as simple as forgetting. With an abundance of tasks and responsibilities demanding our attention, it can happen that people simply forget they've made an appointment until it's too late. 

 Canceled appointments can be a significant nuisance for practices, especially when there is no effective system to reschedule them quickly. Want to overcome these challenges and make your practice more efficient? Find out how TurnUp can help you do this at!